6 Best Cardinal Bird Feeders – How to Attract Them to Your Garden?

A bird

My name is Megan, and I know cardinals like the back of my hand – they’re my state bird for reason after all! They’re lovely songbirds, and they carry a reputation of symbolism and myths wherever they fly. Nesting pairs spend their days feeding and singing to each, and, once they have chicks, you can … Read more

How Long do Parakeets Live? – Parakeet Lifespan Guide!

Two parakeets

Hi, my name’s Irena and I live on Crete in the beautiful Mediterranean Sea! Today we’re going to explore the lifespan of Parakeets, or more specifically the question, how long do parakeets live? To begin with, what exactly are parakeets? Well, they are small to medium-sized members of the parrot family. They generally have long tail … Read more