Do Maltipoos Shed? – A Full Maltipoo Shedding Guide!

Do you ever see two dogs and wonder what a mix between the two would look like? You are not alone!

Mixed breeds are becoming more and more common. People who love two different dogs want the best of both, so cross breeding is extremely popular now.

Hi dog moms and dads, my name is Bri! Although I do not think my dog Bruce was an intentional mix, I do love both breeds that he comes from.

Bruce is a mix between an American Bulldog and a Pitbull. I adopted him as a senior dog so I really do not know if that was intentional or not, but I love him just the same!

Another really popular mixed breed is the Maltipoo, which is a mix of the Maltese and a Poodle.

These pups are adorable and spunky and do great in small apartments or big houses, so they are a huge hit for everyone!

Another great thing about Matlipoos is that neither of their ancestors are known for being heavy shedders, which is something the mixed breed inherited.

Let’s look at some further details about the Maltipoo’s shedding!

Do Maltipoos Shed? How Much?

Maltipoos are bred to be hypoallergenic, but that is a whole different topic that we will cover later. That being said, they do not shed as much as many other dog breeds, but Maltipoos do still shed!

Dogs like the Poodle and the Maltese shed their fur more like a human does than a dog does. Their fur does not fall out as frequently as other dogs, but they still shed periodically.

Their shedding is more gradual; a few hairs here and there rather than a ton of fur all at once. Since we are on that topic, let’s break it down a little more.

History of the Maltipoo

Being a mixed breed, there are not too many details on the history of the Maltipoo. However, we do know that the cross originated in the states anywhere from 20 to 30 years ago.

They were bred specifically to be companions, which sounds like the perfect reason to get a dog!

Both the Poodle and Maltese are known to be fancier dogs, and historically have represented high class and royalty.

Their mixed offspring is no different! They have the best of both breeds in both looks and personality.

What is a Maltipoo’s Coat Like?

The mix between a Poodle and a Maltese created a soft, curly coat that people can’t resist. They mostly come in a tan color, but have also been seen in different shades of browns, blacks and whites.

The length and texture of a Maltipoo tends to vary. It all depends on what genes are carried from the parents to the pup.

Some have longer, straighter coats that better resemble their Maltese side. Others have coarser, curly fur like their Poodle parents.

Either way, their coats are known to get tangled and matted pretty easily so grooming is essential. We will talk about that more later on.

Do Maltipoos Shed? How Much?

Maltipoos are bred to be hypoallergenic, but that is a whole different topic that we will cover later. That being said, they do not shed as much as many other dog breeds, but they still shed!

Dogs like the Poodle and the Maltese shed their fur more like a human does than a dog does. Their fur does not fall out as frequently as other dogs, but they still shed periodically.

Their shedding is more gradual; a few hairs here and there rather than a ton of fur all at once. Since we are on that topic, let’s break it down a little more.

When do Maltipoos Shed the Most?

A maltipooDogs have multiple reasons to shed more or less at certain times throughout their lives. Some of these are just part of their nature, and some are things you can control to help your dog live a healthy life!

Here are some of the main factors that influence how much a dog sheds:

Time of year

Dogs go through what is known as shedding seasons. These seasons happen twice a year and can last anywhere from a week to several weeks.

Shedding season happens during the transition from summer to winter and again during the transition from winter to summer. During these times, your dog is shedding the coat they no longer need to make room for the new one!

Maltipoos may not shed like other dogs do, but they will still shed more during these seasons.

It is extremely important to keep up with grooming during this time to keep them healthy and comfortable as the seasons change.

Stage of life

This is something not many people think of when it comes to shedding, but it is one of the more prominent factors that influences how much a dog sheds!

Puppies do not shed their fur like adult dogs do.

They might lose a few hairs here and there, but they will actually shed their puppy coat when they start to mature. This typically happens over the course of a week or so!

Once puppies mature, they will shed regularly throughout their lives. When they start to age, you might see them start to shed a little more than normal.

This is a natural step in the aging process, even though it might sound like a sad reminder that our pups are getting old.

Diet and exercise

Did you know that diet and exercise can have one of the most significant affects on your dog’s coat and shedding?


Nutrition is crucial to a dog’s health, including their fur. If any dog, especially the active Maltipoo, is not getting the proper nutrition, you will likely see signs of it in their coats.

Their fur may be dry and brittle and they could have more dandruff than normal. This typically causes them to shed more than they would if they had those nutrients in their diet.

Exercise has a similar affect! Health starts from the inside out, so the proper exercise will keep them healthy.

Dogs who are over or underweight due to improper exercise can show similar symptoms in their coat as dogs who are not on a healthy diet!

Skin conditions and pests

While this might sound like a completely different topic, skin conditions and pests have a dramatic affect on shedding. There are certain skin conditions such as mange that can cause severe hair loss in dogs.

Mange is caused by mites, so it falls under both categories. Other pests such as fleas and ticks can also cause your dog to lick and scratch themselves like crazy.

This can lead to an influx in shedding, too! If you see your dog licking or scratching more than normal, give them a good combover to check for these pesky bugs.

How to Combat Maltipoo Shedding

It is never a good idea to try to make your dog shed less. Especially a Maltipoo, since their skin really depends on a well-groomed coat.

However, there definitely ways you can control their shedding so you are not stuck with fur all over your house and clothes. Grooming is always going to be your best bet with Matlipoos!

Keeping their coats clean, untangled and maintained will allow it to grow strong and healthy, which will also keep their shedding to a minimum.

Unless you are a qualified groomer, I highly recommend you take your Maltipoo to a professional!

These pups have lots of soft spots that can be easily nicked during the grooming process, so do not try to do it yourself unless you really know what you are doing!

Equipment to help Combat Maltipoo Shedding

A malteseLike I said before, the professionals will definitely have the best equipment to keep your Maltipoo in good shape.

However, you will still want to have some basics on hand to use between grooming appointments!

For these dogs, you want to have a good long-bristled brush. There are hundreds out there and really any one of them would do, as long as it has flexible bristles that are padded so they do not scratch your pup.

The long bristles should be soft, but sturdy enough to get through any tangled fur to prevent matting. Plus, although Maltipoos will not need frequent baths, dogs get dirty!

It is always good to have a bottle of dog shampoo under the sink just in case. I like to use shampoos that have natural, soothing ingredients such as oatmeal for Bruce’s sensitive skin.

Try to avoid ones that have added scents and chemicals. Even though they might smell good, the chemicals can sometimes be harsh on your pup’s skin!

Once you have given them a good bath, make sure they are completely dry before you try to brush them. If you brush through their long fur when it is wet, it tends to pull on the fur which can be painful.

Are Maltipoos Considered Hypoallergenic?

I have a love-hate relationship with this question. I know it is true that some dogs who do not shed as much are considered hypoallergenic, and technically the Maltipoo does fall under that category.

However, all dogs shed dander and that can actually be worse for allergies than their fur. Maltipoos are not exempt from that rule!

It is definitely safe to say their shedding will not irritate allergies as much as a heavily shedding dog would. Trust me, Bruce’s shedding makes my allergies go crazy.

However, that does not mean they will not trigger allergies at all. Do your research here!

Make sure you spend some time with a Maltipoo before you bring one home and see how you react to it.

Do Some Maltipoos Shed More Than Others?

This is a great question that is actually important for dog parents to keep in mind! Normally, there would not be any reason for one Maltipoo to shed more than another.

However, every dog is different and there might be factors that can influence how much they shed. For example, Maltipoos that lives in a colder climate might shed less than one that lives in a warmer climate.

Maltipoos will not need to shed their warm coat as much to keep them cool!

Another factor could be health conditions like allergies or skin conditions that make them shed more or less than another Maltipoo.

Speaking of health considerations, let’s talk about some important things to keep an eye out for.

Health Considerations in Maltipoo Shedding

Typically, excess shedding in dogs is not a good sign.

Whether it be something minor and treatable like seasonal allergies (though if your dog is like Bruce, allergies can be major) or a more serious internal issue, shedding more than normal is your dog’s body trying to tell you that something is not right.

Unfortunately, shedding can be signs of cancer and other serious internal problems in your dog. I cannot stress enough how important it is to have a good idea of what is normal shedding for your pup.

Being able to tell that something is not right can help you detect a problem early, which can literally save your dog’s life.

Final Thoughts: Do Maltipoos Shed?

A maltipooI love any dog, no matter the shape, size, breed, color or how much they shed. However, I got lucky and do not need to worry about things like allergies or how much time I have to dedicate to my dog.

If you are thinking about bringing home a new pup and want one that is a little easier on the allergies, a Maltipoo is a great option.

However, be mindful that this breed needs much more maintenance in grooming than most dogs!

That being said, if you are willing to put in just a little extra time to keep these pups happy and healthy you will have no problems. They are super easy to care for and have bubbly, loving personalities.

Getting a mixed breed is often looked down upon for some stupid reason. However, having owned a mixed breed myself I can say that you simply get the best of both words when you get a mix!

Hopefully this information helps you make a better decision about bringing home a Maltipoo as well as helps you handle their shedding. Thank you for reading do Maltipoos shed. Happy Pup Parenting!